
thank you gmail

just when i have been musing(again) about changing careers,
i am reminded that being a web developer has its perks.
yup, i am mababaw, but these stickers made my day.

p.s. i still wonder why there isn't a tv series starring programmers.


Daisy said...

I agree! tv series featuring programmers. My cousin, a programmer for aircraft software, would either love or pan that. Though I think I saw a British tv sitcom about freelance programmers. But still not the 'Private Practice', 'CSI' type. I like your blog-layout and all! Wish I could deck out and pimp my own blog too like a
programmer! Miss you Joy-ie.
P.S. If you change careers, what do you choose to replace programming?

joy said...

grace-y! thank you for dropping by. hmmm, i honestly don't know, haha!
your blog needs no pimping, your writing rocks solid :)and i miss you back.